freaky freezing~~
*Sob* *sob*
Sakura season now yet SNOWED!! can babes understand??
The weather really going crazy
He is showing his temper to us babes
Warn us not to hurt him anymore
no more CFC!!!! ARGH~~
Thought just strong wind but not that cold so I just wear a normal jacket to my work
Never imagine that it's that cold
Moment when I woke up it was rainning but not heavy as yesterday night
so I thought it will be just abit more to go
luckily heavy rain starts moment when I reached my working place
God I was looking at the sky
wondering what happen?? why weather change so sudden
the rain turning to become snow
i was like HUH~~??? is spring le!! and and was v hot last few weeks le...
come on dont play play le
i told my friend who work with me A
A: no is not snow is MIZURE
Me: huh?? u look at it~~
A: u go out n see propperly it will melt d
Me: (OS) will melt didnt mean it's not snow ma... @#$%^&
A : see i told u
B another friend came our from back room
B: OMFG what happen??
Me: snow right??
Me: (os) again!!! @@
later the snow starts to accumulate on the road
Me: i told u is snow ma..........
babes know is 26th April liao le...
why why why?? snow???
the sakura just fully opened n yet the sudden snow
poor poor sakura
luckily i went for sakura yesterday
but my friend told me
dont u feel luckily which u can see sakura with snow??
do u know that maybe will be 10 years only once
n now u got the chance to see tha sakura pile up with some snow
that's awesome
well even the weather really bad but seems like abit lucky~~
so i came back to my room n rush back for my camera thn 'kacha' 'kacha'
well i feel so bad cos i worked till 5:30 n the sky had turning it's curtain down
again no sunshine
but if i didnt work i dont think i can feel the SNOW
cos i will be 1000% sleeping like a pig till 2 or 3pm
so now let's just enjoy some unPRO pix
all these told near by my Dom~~
night all my babes!!
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